With use of The Sweet Spot Batting Company, I, in consideration for my (or my minor child’s) voluntary participation with The Sweet Spot Batting Company, do hereby willfully acknowledge participation attests to my understanding and agreement that:

 1. My (or my minor child’s) participant status will be kept in good standing. I (or my minor child) will not compromise myself in such a way as to do harm to The Sweet Spot Batting Company, knowing that participants may be dismissed from participation, with possible loss of payment or dues, for violent conduct or unsportsmanlike behavior on facility premises.

 2. I agree to pay for any and all damages to any property or indemnities caused by me (or my minor child) willfully, negligently, or otherwise.

 3. Baseball/softball is a physical, contact, sport that involves the risk of injury. I assume all risks and hazards associated with my (or my minor child’s) participation in the sport. Participation in such practices, clinics, activities by my child and\or myself involves possible exposure to and illnesses from infectious and\or communicable diseases including but not limited to COVID-19, MRSA, influenza, and other communicable diseases.  While adherences to rules and requirements may reduce the risk of possible exposure, the risk of serious illness or death remains.  I am (or my minor child is) in proper physical condition to participate in wrestling practices, and I have (or my minor child has) no illness, disease or existing injury or physical defect that would be aggravated by my (or my minor child’s) participation. I will inform my (or my minor child’s) coach if this status changes.

 4. I further acknowledge that this risk may involve loss or damage to me (or my minor child) or my (or my minor child’s) property, including the risk of death, or other unforeseen consequences, including those which may be due to the unavailability of immediate emergency medical care. I have (or my minor child has) a current medical consent form in force. I (or my minor child) will wear properly-fitted and appropriate shoes and protective equipment, if required.

5. By use of this facility, I release, waive liability, discharge, hold harmless, indemnify, and covenant not to sue, The Sweet Spot Batting Company, its associated directors, administrators, officers, managers, employees, coaches, trainers, volunteers, sponsors and advertisers, and other agents, estates or executors, from any and all liability incurred in the conduct of, and my (or my minor child’s) participation at The Sweet Spot Batting Company. This includes owners, lessors, and lessees of premises, municipalities, government agencies, successors, heirs, and assigns.

 6. By use of this facility, I assume full risk, waive all claims and release and hold The Sweet Spot Batting Company, individually or otherwise, harmless for any and all liability, claims, suits, damages, expenses, fees, actions, or rights of action or judgments as a result of injury or death to myself or members of my family or heirs, or my guests, or damage, destruction or loss to my property, which in any way relates to, arises out of, or is in any way connected with my presence on the premises, or my participation in events of activities thereon, or the negligent acts or omissions of the releases or any other third party. Under any condition, I am responsible for any and all medical expenses arising from my (or my minor child’s) participation, both in practices and games and while travelling to and from these events. I have the right and responsibility to inspect the equipment and facilities prior to events and, if I believe (or my minor child believes) that anything may be unsafe, I (or my minor child) will advise the coach or supervisor of the condition and may refuse to participate. Participation assumes consent.

 7. I have completely read this document and fully understand its contents. I acknowledge that I have (or my minor child has) given up substantial rights by accepting this document and that I do so voluntarily. My participation attests to this on behalf of myself (or my minor child) and my executors, personal representatives, administrators, heirs, next-of-kin, successors, and assigns.

 8. I do authorize my (or my minor child’s) photograph, picture or likeness, and/or voice to appear in any documentary, promotion (including advertising), television, video, internet, or radio coverage of The Sweet Spot Batting Company practices, matches, meets, tournaments, or other events, without compensation.